
This summer I am graduting for Staffordshire University with a degree in computer games programming, prior to my degree I recieved a diploma in video game design and development from SGS college where I focused on visual scripting in Unreal. I have participated in many projects from creating a local multiplayer social deception game, a game engine in a team project and a research project into AI using Magic! The Gathering as a testing ground.

A few of my past projects are publicly availible on GitHub

Content Creator

For many years content creation on YouTube has been a side passion for me. I have enjoyed creating gaming videos to make people laugh alongside developing my skills in video editing, sound and 2D visual effects.

If you wish my channel is - AimTech


Since getting into gaming being at the highest level has always been an interest of mine. It started off with playing TeamFortress 2 at a competetive level in both highlander and 5s, running platoons of 120 people in Planetside 2 but eventually finding my feet in speedrunning. Since then I have held world records in both Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017), Laraan and Planetside 2, currently I hold multiple individual level world record in Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) and plan on going for the any% world record again somtime soon.

My Profile can be found here

Magic! The Gathering

Since starting playing Magic! The Gathering in 2017 it has been a huge part of my life. I have played pretty consistently since mainly in draft formats for the first few years but in my final year of university I found my way into competetive commander known as CEDH. I have since helped develop 2 top tier decks. A mono red Magda Brazem Outlaw deck and a Gale Waterdeep Prodigy plus Scion of Halaster deck, both have allowed me to become consitenctly top 3 at my every commander tourament I have been too. Now coming to finish university I plan on expanding into modern and seeing where my future of Magic! is.

My Izzet Delver Budget Modern Deck

My Magda Brazen Outlaw CEDH Deck

My Gale, Waterdeep Prodigy plus Scion of Halaster CEDH Deck

A selection of my programming work.

Here is a selection of my projects I have worked on all focused on either programming or engines work.

Days Old

Days Old was a passion project I worked on throughout 2019. I focused on using UE4 and blueprints, my goal was to publish the game eventually but due to the breakdown of a relationship and there involvement in the project that never came to be. You can still download the first versions of the game online which I think shows a good indication of what could have been.


- Unreal Engine 4 (mainly Blueprints)

- PhotoShop (Visuals)

Studi One 2 (unreleased music)

Magic! The Gathering Monte Carlo AI - Research Project

For my final year reserach project at univeristy I embarked on creating a simple monte carlo AI that given a random hand it will generate the best possible play pattern with those cards. The AI found some sucsess but was very limited a good proof of concept for sure and somthing I will look further into in the future. This project was made within the Unity Game Engine


- C#

- Visual Studio

- Unity

Sinner Game Jam

After university finished they hosted a Game Jam, I entered a produced as a solo team and produced sinner a endless survior game with an intersting returning sythe mechanic. I came second in the Jam as a whole being the only solo team which I am very proud of.


- C#

- Visual Studio

- Unity

- Photoshop

Non Funigible Engine

As part of my final year at univeristy we had a module to make an engine as a team, in this team I focused on the audio systems creating a full fluid audio sound system with simply functions for developers to implement sound to the game they would be creating.


- C++

- Visual Studio

- Direct X

- DirectXTK

Some Of My YouTube Stuff

Here is some of my favorite projects I have worked on to do with my YouTube Channel


In this video I took a look at the stereotypes surronding the scout in TeamFortress2. Im proud of this video becasuse it has a lot of moving parts, from my 3D renders in Source Film Maker to my countless created images in Photoshop. I think in total this video has around 10 to 15 hours of production value. Although the views didn't paticularily pull through Its still one of my favorites.


Team Fortress 2

Source Filmmaker // Sony Vegas // Photoshop // Audacity //TeamFortress2 // Bandicam

Different... (TF2 IN SLOW MOTION 300FPS ULTRA)

This video was intersting for me, I wanted to make somthing more artsy so experimented with recording at a really high framerate. Unfortunatly I got some flack in real life for being "edgey" but I like how it turned out.


Team Fortress 2

Audacity // Sony Vegas // TeamFortress2 // Photoshop

Some Of My Speedtun Stuff

Here is some of my greatest speedrunning achievments

Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) 1h 30m 05 710ms - 2nd

This is my favorite speed game and the one I personally have invested the most time into. I am personally repsonsible for finding almost every skip in the game and this was World Record for around 6 months.

Watch The Full Run Here

Team Fortress 2 Basic Training - 1m 32s

This wasn't too difficult to achieve but it was more I wanted to make a meaningful impact on the speedrun for my favorite game of all Time. This was 3rd place when I submiteed it but its has not dropped down to 4th.

Watch The Full Run Here